More and more people in the Germany decide to take a dog into their home. Of course, there are many different types of dog breeds to choose from. Every dog breed is different. One is big, the other is small. One is active, the other is more of a sloth. If you are someone who does not have such a big house, it can be useful to get a small dog. Or maybe you find small dogs much cuter than those large breeds. Read on quickly to find out what you should pay attention to when buying a small dog!
What small dog breeds are there?
There are many small dog breeds that you can look at as a searching owner. Each type of dog has its own special characteristics and features. To make it a bit easier for you, we have listed the top 10 small dog breeds.
- The Chihuahua
The most well-known small dog is the Chihuahua, these dogs weigh between 1 and 3 kilograms. They may be small, but never underestimate a Chihuahua, they can be very fierce, and are even very good dogs that protect your home. The Chihuahua is a very healthy dog breed and can live up to 20 years.
- The Pomeranian
If you are not a fan of the busy dogs, you can also choose the miniature keeshond, also known as the Pomeranian. This is the smallest of all keeshonds. The length is no more than 22 centimeters. These dogs weigh between 2 and 4 kilograms. The keeshond is a real sociable dog, he prefers to lie on your lap.
- The Yorkshire Terrier
Then there is the Yorkshire terrier, or also “Yorkie”. These usually weigh 3 kilograms. They have a real terrier character, which means that they are full of energy, and it is therefore important that they can get rid of it a little.
- The Toy Poodle
The Toy Poodle is the mini version of the Poodle. The height is between 23 and 30 centimeters and they weigh between 2.5 and 5 kilograms. Did you know that this dog breed is very easy to train? They are also very sociable dogs that can find a place in every household. Fun for the children to play with!
- The Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is a breed of dog that is common in Tibet. The height at the withers is on average 27 centimeters and they weigh between 4.5 and 7 kilograms. It is a very friendly dog that can be kept perfectly as a family dog, because they are very friendly to the entire household. As you can see, there are really a lot of types of small dog breeds!
- The Pomeranian
You have probably seen these dogs before, they are the dogs that are known for their extremely flat nose. This has become a bit flatter through breeding, which makes it a funny sight. These types of dogs love to just sit on your lap, although you can also go outside with them for a run if you want.
- The Butterfly Dog
These dogs are a lot more active than the above dog breeds, so you have to like to go outside with him often to run a bit. These dogs are always happy to see you, they can only yapping a bit. Fortunately, they usually only do this outside. This dog is usually white colored, but you can also find them with spots or with a mixture of colors.
- Bichon Frise
If you like having a dog with a lovely soft coat then this is really the type of dog you should choose. They are quite small and only weigh a few kilos, but they have enough energy for ten. This dog likes to walk a long way after a while, but you will see that after a busy day he will be very calm inside. This way you can also recover a bit!
- The Rabbit Dasshound
This dog is a bit bigger than the other dogs in this list, but it is still a dog that belongs to the small dog breeds. It is really a dog that will always be loyal to its owner, the dog will often come to you to be petted. This breed is known to be quite calm, which makes it the ideal dog for people in, for example, an apartment.
- American Toy Terrier
This American dog looks a bit like the Yorkshire terrier, but there are still some differences between the different types of breeds. This dog likes to learn things, tricks are therefore no problem. It is also true that the dog is very active, so you have to go outside often. You can really see that this dog is a mix with the English terrier, because he looks very sporty for a dog.
What should I pay attention to when buying a small dog?
There are several things you should consider when you want to get a small dog. For example, you should consider whether you like a dog that is very busy. You will have to take it with you more often to play with, which is something you should take into account. Perhaps you prefer a dog that just sits on the couch at home. Also consider the price, because some dog breeds can be incredibly expensive. Fortunately, you can find all this on the internet. Also check whether you have chosen a dog breed that often has to go to the vet. The disadvantage of these dog breeds is that you will spend a lot on paying the bills for the treatment.
But what if you really want a specific breed of dog that often needs treatment? You can take out dog insurance to save costs. This way, you often get the medication and treatments reimbursed, the amount saved can also add up considerably. Do you want to take out cheap dog insurance now? Then click here for an overview of the best insurances and insurers!
Toys for small dog breeds
A small dog has its own character. There are dog breeds that love to run and play, other dogs prefer to just lie down inside for a bit. It is true that every dog likes to play with dog toys inside. For small dog breeds this is especially important, they need to be able to get rid of their energy.
For example, by buying a cuddly toy for the dog, you provide a way for the dog to play with an object. There are special cuddly toys for dogs, these are made in such a way that they do not break easily if the dog bites into them. After all, you do not want his entire mouth to be full of all kinds of fluff. These toys can be found in the various pet shops that you can find in the city. You can also always look on the internet if a pet shop is too far away.
A puppy or a small dog?
Of course, it could be that you only choose a small dog because you are not a fan of the larger breeds. But you can also just get a puppy. These are also incredibly cute, perhaps even cuter than the small dogs. With a puppy, you can get used to the fact that your dog is getting bigger, so it is not suddenly a big animal in the house. To help you get rid of your financial problems, we also have various puppy insurances on our site, so you can also save a lot of money with a puppy.