The chance that you have a dog at home is quite big, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. A dog in the house is of course always fun, you have a pet to play with. But a dog can also suffer from certain diseases or conditions, after all, it is just an animal. For example, your dog may suffer from a third eyelid.
A third eyelid is not very common, but when it does occur, surgery is almost always necessary. It is painful for the dog and also reduces his vision. The question that many people ask themselves is how expensive the surgery will actually be to fix a third eyelid. Read on quickly to find out!
What exactly is a third eyelid?
With a third eyelid, the dog suffers from a kind of membrane around its eye. With some dogs, this is not so easy to see, with other dogs it is noticeable by the fact that the membrane has a pink color. This membrane should actually be inward, it protects the eye, as it were. Because the dog can no longer see well through the membrane, this is of course very annoying.
This can cause the dog to suffer from watery or irritating eyes. The dog is in quite a bit of pain if he suffers from a third eyelid, which is why the operation is usually necessary. During the treatment, the membrane may be brought in or it may be removed completely. If you want to know more about dogs, you can take a look at our animal blog.
Third eyelid surgery costs
It is very difficult to determine the price of such a treatment, because the price is completely dependent on the situation. A less serious case will of course cost less, this is because they can bring the membrane inward. If the entire eyelid has to be removed, you will spend more.
It also varies per vet, the vets in the big cities are simply more expensive than the clinics in the villages. Finally, the type of dog plays a big role. If you have a dog that weighs a lot, the total amount of anesthesia for the operation will be higher, this is also the anesthesia. Of course you have to pay for this, so you can assume that a heavier dog costs more to have operated on.
Insuring your dog
The price is not so easy to determine, but you should assume a few tens to hundreds of euros, depending on the situation of course. If you think this is a lot of money, you can also choose to take out dog insurance. With this insurance you can save a considerable amount of money on your dog, to find out how this is possible you can look at our site.
In short, you can declare the costs you make to the insurer. You can forward almost all invoices, depending on the insurer. It is simply an easy form of payment. You only have to pay the monthly premium amount, for the rest you get almost all resources and treatments back from the insurers.