How much does a CT scan for my dog ​​cost?

How much does a CT scan for my dog ​​cost?


It appears that more and more people in the Germany are getting a dog. This is of course great, a dog in the house is just very cozy. Every owner has the best intentions for his dog, every owner wants his dog to be healthy. However, this is not always possible, some dogs get sick and some dogs need treatment. You can’t always avoid this. So it is possible that your dog will one day have to have a CT scan at the vet. Many people find this a bit scary, they are afraid that they will have to pay a lot. But is this true? Read on to find out the answer to this question.

What exactly is a CT scan?

A CT scan is actually the same as an X-ray with radiation. The difference is that an X-ray is a two-dimensional image of a part of the animal. With a CT scan, the body parts are mapped with cross-sections. This gives you much more detailed information about the dog’s situation. The doctor can then see exactly what is wrong with your dog, and then he can look for a suitable remedy or treatment.

Why have a CT scan?

Of course, it is possible that the vet has diagnosed your dog. At that point, a CT scan is a good solution for determining the exact location of the symptoms your dog has. Because a CT scan uses X-rays, a CT is very useful for mapping possible abnormalities in the bones, lungs, abdomen, spine and skull of the dog. This way, the doctor knows where he may have to operate, which prevents possible obstacles.

The cost of a CT scan

The price of a CT scan is very difficult to determine, because it is always different for a different situation. For example, it is important what a CT scan has to be made of. The average cost for a CT scan is around €150. Of course, there are veterinary practices that charge more for a treatment, this is mainly the case in the somewhat larger cities or in the Randstad.

How does a CT scan treatment work?

The CT scanner has a large hole, in which the table with the dog is placed. On one side of the opening is the source from which the radiation comes and on the other side is a detector, this is the receiver of the radiation. The rays of the CT scan go through different types of tissue of your pet, which process the rays in an alternating way. The detector sends these abnormalities in recording to a computer, which will then map everything. A CT scan takes about 10 to 60 seconds. To do a CT scan, the dog must be as still as possible. That is why a dog is usually anesthetized for a CT scan, you have to pay extra for this.

Insuring your dog

So it is not that cheap to have a CT scan done for your dog, with the anesthesia you will quickly spend a few hundred euros. Nobody is really waiting for this, fortunately there is a solution for this. That is to take out dog insurance or puppy insurance if your dog has not really grown yet. With this insurance you can get the costs you make reimbursed. Through our overview you can immediately see the best insurers that can help you, so you never have to pay too much again.

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